How to become fearless like a Lion when taking that big leap into the unknown? Action.

Being fearless doesn’t mean you’re not scared, it means you don’t let it limit your potential.

Expect to be beaten down, and suffer along the way because luck, or fortune, favors the bold and brave, this post will discuss some tips to overcome your fears.

1. Stop listening to the news

A picture illustrating how the media shows us what they want us to see

SURPRISING FACT: Do you know how they draw our attention and make revenue….by delivering “FEAR”! (DUN dun DUN)

If it bleeds, it leads. So stop consuming unnecessary content that doesn’t help you improve your life or even have any effect on you.

But now that fear is not only my best memory but also something I can look back to and think “If I could do that, what else could I do?”.

2. Practice stoicism

We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality


Practice how you would approach certain scary scenarios. Visualization can help as well but moving your body will help you further reduce hesitation.

Are firefighters unafraid? No, they routinely practice day and night how they will enter burning buildings and put themselves in uncertain situations.

3. Identify core values

What is non-negotiable and deeply meaningful to you? What qualities do you admire or have influenced you greatly?

Reflect on your ideal life and the best version of yourself, what personal values can shape that? Understanding this will make it easier for you to make bold decisions.

  • Self-Discipline
  • Friendship
  • Positive Attitude
  • Freedom
  • Creativity
  • Adventure
  • Balance
  • Wellness
  • Health and Fitness
  • Personal Development
  • Spontaneity
  • Financial Security
  • Saving Money
  • Self-Control

4. Accept looking foolish

Man dancing in Britain’s Got Talent

I know I couldn’t dance yet I danced in front of hundreds of people on stage at school.

Embarrassing? Absolutely, to this day when I think about it all the hairs in my body raise and I cringe grabbing what little hair I have on my head.

5. Be open to opportunities

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.

James F. Byrnes

You never know what life may throw at you. Even if you want to go right and life presents you with a different option, then go along with it.

Don’t refuse to accept the reality and you never know, going left may lead to a more enjoyable path in life. The scarier the decisions the larger the opportunity.

6. Use the 90-second rule

Mel Robbins explains the science behind your emotional state towards fears. (Video credit by Evan Carmichael)

7. Start saying “No”

You’re not required to please others even your family or friends. It can even be scary to say it to your boss but it’s a good practice if you want to know how to face your fears.

By saying “No” from time to time it can empower you and give time to prioritize what you want out of life.

8. Have a laugh

Aside from the benefits of laughing, it leaves us with a more optimistic mood and that makes interacting with others more enjoyable.

Nowadays people seem to get triggered so easily, that they look to be offended and even “feel” offended by something or for someone.

Comedians make light of even the most serious of situations and that helps us enjoy the life we have a bit more.

9. Will you regret it?

Start thinking about how much will you regret not trying it later in the future.

Will you let your fear which has not even manifested stop you from trying?

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take

Lewis Carroll

10. Just do it

I Love Nike’s slogan “Just do it” especially since it was from a murderer’s last words before his execution.

What use is there to overthink the unavoidable difficulties in life?

There are no certainties in life, there are moments when you just have to push through it.

11. Practice gratitude

We are surrounded by the idea of a certain lifestyle from social media.

All the glamorous things you see, which people usually only show the great stuff going on in their lives.

Comparing ourselves to others is hard, but you can always find things that you are grateful for every day.

12. Meditation

So why not at least give it a try for a couple of minutes?

13. Exercise

You’ll also develop this mentality that you can handle much more than you previously thought.


14. Create a tribe

Your life is going to be a reflection of the five people that you spend the most time with

Will Smith

It’s much easier to succeed if you’re surrounded by a tribe of supportive people, rather than going it alone.

Look for people who share the same values or inspire you to improve.

Work together and not only get value from others but also give out as much.

15. Have mentors

A picture showing the statistics on the benefits of having a mentor
Infographic Source:

They will help guide you and avoid any large mistakes they have made on their journey.

Stop trying to always look for an easier and cheaper solution. Putting your hard-earned money will push you to take crucial actions.

16. Abundance mindset>Scarcity mindset

One of the main fears we have is the loss of security, predictability, or the steady growth of your job.

We usually think of situations in “What if *insert negative statement* .”

Because the pain from loss is greater than the pleasure of gain.

17. Reframing

This one is simple yet effective, just say these to yourself when you “feel” scared or nervous.

  • “You’re about to do something that will help you grow
  • “I’m just feeling excited to try something new”
  • “There may be opportunities coming up”
  • “What you want is within your reach”

18. Prioritize change over process

Change is necessary and adaptability is key when going through the harsh unfairness in life.

Sure going through a new diet, learning how to cook healthier meals, and researching what healthy foods to buy is a painful process.

But isn’t that how you bring variety, fun experiences, and something that you can look forward to?

19. Remember your accomplishments and efforts

Think back at times when you’ve tried something new or how with some effort you actually did better than you thought you could.

Any difficult or bad situations you’ve experienced mean you handled them pretty well to this day.

At the end of the day here you are reading this post.

These tips will only help people who are looking to become better and overcome their obstacles

Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear

George Addair

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